Monday, April 10, 2017


Hey guys, I'm Sapph. :D
There's not really a whole lot to say about myself, but I guess I'll go with the basics. I was born in Chardon, Ohio, but I've lived in Tennessee my whole life save seven months. I'm currently fifteen years old (probably should share this on the interwebs, but I'm a strong believer of conspiracies and the governments watching me anyway, so it really don't matter.) and my birthday is September 12th, so in a couple months I'll be sixteen. Which you should've been able to figure out...
Well, I guess I'll tell you some of my interests and hobbies:
I guess I'd say my biggest hobby/interest is writing. I've wrote stories my whole life, since I was a wee little lass. When I was little I just wrote little short stories about my dog or my family, and now pretty much everything thought that comes to mind is penned to paper...or should I say typed to screen?
Not only do I love writing, but I love drawing, or sketching and coloring and basically anything artistic. I also really love computer stuff (#geek) or graphic designing. My dad majored in graphic design and made all sorts of websites and stuff. I used to make play websites and stuff when I was little, then as I got to like eleven I started making all kinds of blogs.
I also really like reading, and keeping journals and PHOTOGRAPHY. I don't really know what to say about my love for reading, how could one NOT love reading. My favorite book is the Fault in Our Stars, but I also really love The 5th Wave. I really love to keep journals because I like to keep a record of my life because, one: I'm a very forgetful person so that's how I remember my life, and two: I love to reflect back at my life because I'm constantly trying to improve myself and I'll get discouraged and feel like I haven't, but then I look back and see I have. Did that make any sense at all?
And PHOTOGRAPHY! I don't know why I keep putting it in all caps... Kind goes with the whole journalism thing, I like to look back at pictures and reflect and stuff, plus I just love taking pictures. Sooooo yeaaaah.
And lastly, I'd like to say I'm a very motivated, positive person. I spent the last few years being an EXTREMELY pessimistic, angry person. Lately I've really just tried to bring up my positivism and just see the world as it is: bursting with color...instead of how I used to see it: a dark black hole. I've also really tried to just be more motivated. I've always been a pretty motivated person and I like a good challenge, but lately I've really just tried to embrace that.
I'm also pretty into health and working out, but I'm definitely not good at that so I'm not gonna talk about it lol.

Weeeeell, I love you guys! I hope you check out our channel so you can see everything that's going on.

Peace and cheese!
-Sapphire Slyvanski

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